くらし情報『【ハリウッドより愛をこめて】新スパイダーマン撮影開始! 豪華共演陣も続々決定』

2010年12月14日 16:48

【ハリウッドより愛をこめて】新スパイダーマン撮影開始! 豪華共演陣も続々決定

"Social Network". And Gwen Stacy is being portrayed by Emma Stone, an actress that was featured in the big hit from this year, "Zombieland".

Emma Stone is probably known amongst fans for her beautiful red hair, but in order to give a convincing performance of Spiderman’s girlfriend, she recently dyed her hair blond. Emma Stone also told MTV in an interview recently that both her and Andrew had to do alot of studying about science, because both the characters have a pretty good knowledge of science. The actress went on to say that she was home-schooled growing up, and so she never got the opportunity to go to a chemistry class in a "traditional class room" situation, and so she learned a lot!

Meanwhile, Andrew Garfield has admitted to feeling quite a bit of pressure in filling the shoes that Tobey McGuire so brilliantly filled for three movies, and said recently in an interview that he had gotten some advice from none other than Stan Lee, the co-creator of the character. He said that Stan Lee told him to be a "very simple, everyday, ordinary kid who just happens to be good at science." And he said that one of the reasons that Spiderman has so much appeal to people all over the world is that it is easy to relate to him because he isn’t that different from the average guy".

Other actors that have been cast in the upcoming Spiderman include Welsh actor Rhys Ifans as the villan, along with Academy AWard winning actress Sally Field and Martin Sheen, who will be playing Peter Parker’s parents, and Denis Leary, who will be playing Gwen Stacy’s father. And most recently it was announced that Slumdog Millionaire actor Irrfan Khan will be playing a character called Nels Van Adder, and one of my favorite character actors Campbell Scott will also be playing a role in the film.
If all goes well, director Marc Webb (a new director who recently received much recognition for his film "500 Days of Summer" )


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