
2011年2月22日 12:30


. And "King’s Speech" took 7 awards altogether, including Best Actor for Colin Firth, Best Supporting Actor for Geoffrey Rush, and Best Supporting Actress for Helena Bonham Carter, and also of course, Best Picture.
Now how this will all affect the film’s performance on Oscar night is yet to be seen. But I DO have a feeling that this movie will make its mark on the Academy Awards this year. Colin Firth is pretty much a given for winning the Oscar for Best Actor.

And now that Geoffrey Rush won Best Supporting Actor at BAFTA, many critics are saying that he could possibly beat out Christian Bale for the award come Oscar night. As for Helena Bonham Carter, I still think that she will lose out to either Melissa Leo OR Amy Adams for Best Supporting Actress. BUT who’s to say??!!!?

Now as you probably know, one of the most frustrating things about watching the Academy Awards is sometimes the part where the winners give speeches.
Sometimes the winners use their winning speech to talk about things which are not at all "oscar-related" like politics and war....Other times people ramble on for too long, and ignore the time limit that they are given. WELL, this year, in order to avoid all those "mishaps", the Academy sent out a DVD to all 191 nominees...and it’s a DVD of advice! The DVD tells everyone that "if you win, keep your speech "short, sharp, and shiny". Actor Tom Hanks even makes an appearance on the DVD, telling everyone to be original, instead of "Just reading a telephone directory of people". He then goes on to use his sense of humor by saying "Looking down to read a long list of names only shows us your bald spot". And in case you were wondering, the winners are allowed 45 seconds on stage to give their acceptance speeches.
Now a few more hints that I have come across..first of all, actor James Franco (who is co-hosting the show, and is nominated in the Best actor category this year)


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