
2011年12月28日 19:31




(text:Lisle Wilkerson)

© Mirrorpix/AFLO

HI readers, can you believe that 2011 is ALREADY ALMOST OVER??? And this will be my last article for the year.

First of all, news in about Daniel Craig, who is currently filming the latest chapter of the James Bond franchise, "Skyfall".Recently, when he was asked about how things were going with the filming of the current Bond film, producer Michael G. Wilson had nothing but praises for Craig in his role as the suave superspy. He said in a recent interview, "Daniel’s been a terrific Bond, a superb actor, and a terrific man. The fans love him and I don’t think there’s a better actor to play the part. Filming has gone very well so far and I’d love Daniel to surpass Roger’s record and do eight pictures. Daniel’s been an absolute pleasure to be around because he takes the role so seriously. There’s really no one more passionate about making these films work than him-he’s a film maker’s dream. A lot of people have said that Daniel’s been their favorite Bond since Sean Connery, and I can’t argue with them. He’s done a great job."
So, Bond lovers, let’s do the math....So far, Daniel Craig has only done two Bond films, which by the way, is the same amount of Bond films that Timothy Dalton starred in. So add the following film, and it will make it three. That will make it one less than Pierce Brosnan, who did four Bond films. Sean Connery starred in six "official" Bond film, but if you include the off-shoot Thunderball remake "Never Say Never Again", then that ties Sean Connery with Roger Moore for 7 007’s.The only problem is the pace with which they have been making the last few Bond films. When Sean Connery was Bond, he did five Bond films in SIX years. Whereas recently it seems that they are taking about two or three years just to come out with ONE Bond film.What do YOU think, readers? Are you ready to see Daniel Craig posing as Bond for another five films?

Now one of the big things that children do during the Christmas season, is for them to write out their Christmas list for Santa. I used to remember how excited I would always be, coming up with the list, and then giving it to my mom and dad to "give to Santa". And even in this modern Facebook/Twitter/iPhone era, kids all over the United States continue to do that every year, waiting in anticipation until Christmas day, when they rush to the tree to see if Santa brought them all the things on their list.
Well, one little girl who has QUITE the Christmas list is Suri Cruise. In fact, her Christmas list is probably worth about $130,000 this year!!!
Her list this year includes:
-A Pony
-Diamond Earrings (really???? are Katie and Tom REALLY going to give her DIAMOND EARRINGS????)


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