

-And gowns that make her look like a princess (and if you have seen some of the dresses that Suri wears, these aren’t cheap EITHER)
According to sources close to Tom and Katie, they LOVE the Christmas season and always make sure that they make the experience as close to perfect as they can for Suri.
So I GUESS that means that little Suri WILL be getting all the things on her Christmas list?

Finally a new couple alert??? It seems that recently Cameron Diaz and P. Diddy have been seen kissing all over New York, in various night clubs. AND just last month they were seen in Beverly HIlls kissing as well!! Now is that one of the WEIRDEST couples to recently emerge from Hollywood, or what?
The two A-listers HAVE been good friends for a long time, but hey...maybe there’s a future...?
And now...since it is the end of the year and this is my last article for 2011, here is my "WORST of 2011"...actually I can pretty much sum it up in one word...KARDASHIANS!!!!
yuch!!! It seemed like here in the United States people just couldn’t get enough of the Kardashian family...they were ALL over the television, and also all over the magazines. Everywhere you looked it was "Something, something...Kardashian". Then Kim Kardashian got married to NBA player Kris Humphries in the "dream wedding" of the year, and less than two months later decided to get a divorce. And all of a sudden, the family that could do NO WRONG was being bashed everywhere in the media and by fans. People started complaining that the wedding was just a big "hoax" and that everything that Kim and her family did was being set up for television.
And now the Kardashian family seems to have realized that they ARE NOT invincible. (THANK GOD!!)


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