
2010年12月29日 12:09


さて総集編ということで、2010年のボックスオフィスで最も稼いだハリウッドスターたちもおさらい。第1位に輝いたのは、夏の超大作『インセプション』で大活躍したレオナルド・ディカプリオ。この1本で10億1,000万ドル(約840億円)という金額を稼ぎました。続く2位には、同率で『アリス・イン・ワンダーランド』で共演した、ミア・ワシコウスカとジョニー・デップがランクイン。ミアは、次回アカデミー賞へのノミネートが有力な『キッズ・オールライト』にも出演していますし、もちろん、ジョニーも新作『ツーリスト』の注目が高まってきてます。続く3位には、『アイアンマン2』、『デュー・デート 〜出産まであと5日!史上最悪のアメリカ横断〜』で支持を集めたロバート・ダウニーJr.がランクインしました。


(text:Lisle Wilkerson)


HI readers! Well, can you BELIEVE that 2010 has almost come to an end?
Time seems to go by so quickly these days, don’t you think so?Thought I would take a look at some of the biggest gossip stories to make headlines this year.

I would definitely have to say that the "most popular celebrity" in gossip this year was definitely LIndsay Lohan.And about 99.9% of the time it wasn’t good news that we were hearing...

On Jan. 2, 2010 Lindsay tweeted her followers while she was aboard a boat in St. Barth saying " starting my new year off with friends and family, the way it should be...No boyfriends and the other drama". The actress then added "2010 is about moving forward, not backwards. Leaving the bad. Time to make changes-right!?!?
Well, unfortunately the year didn’t quite go as she planned. Considering the fact that she wanted to "move forward, not backwards", she sure did seem to spend much of her time this year paying for mistakes that she has made over the years. She ended up spending quite a bit of time going to and from court, ended up in jail for a short time, and now has landed herself at the Betty Ford Clinic, where just a couple days ago she got into MORE trouble by getting into a fight with one of the employees at the clinic. Lindsay also was cut from an upcoming film project because the directors just thought she was becoming too much of a risk. So I would say that by far, the biggest celebrity meltdown for 2010 was Lindsay Lohan.

Now in my opinion, the most gracious star under pressure was MOST DEFINITELY Sandra Bullock. Who could forget that (only a few days after she received the "Best Actress" award at the Academy Awards for her role in "Blindside")


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